12 Apr, 2023 | Caas Foundation | No Comments
Treatment of autoimmune rheumatic diseases and it’s stages
Treatment of autoimmune rheumatic diseases and it’s stages- Autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARDs) are a group of conditions that occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues in the body.
7 Apr, 2023 | Caas Foundation | No Comments
Talk to Expert : Largest Medical Consultation Platform for Patient Guidance
Largest Medical Consultation Platform- Patients suffering from Autoimmune Rheumatic Disorders (ARD) have the necessary medical advice and guidance. CAAS India Foundation has taken many useful steps
War against AIRD: There is an urgent need to sensitize the general public across the country to combat autoimmune rheumatic diseases. So that, people become well aware about these diseases.
AIRD Awareness Camp Start Soon in Delhi- There is a lack of awareness at the societal level towards autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARDs). In such a situation, early diagnosis and treatment of this disease is proving to be a big challenge.